Monday, January 2, 2012

Don't you see the strangest things ?

Until I began to write this blog I didn't really pay much attention to folk, they were just kind of there really and, unless I had to apologise to someone in the street  for whatever reason, I just walked on past without noticing anyone. Sure, once in a while some young hottie and her mate would make me surreptitiously or subtly, (usually neither), turn my head as would a much older and equally attractive lady. In fairness though this is Spain and the mediterranean climate does seem to have a bit of an agreeable effect on the local female citizenry. To dwell on the tidy female thing though is to rather miss my point, which is, you don't need to have your eyes peeled like a banana to clock something or someone really interesting or amusing. I did it on purpose for a couple or three days with this blog in mind and, come the finish, I was really keen to carry on.

Jog on
I was in a pub one Sunday night not so long back and a one legged bloke, (I was going to say walked), came in. Nothing unusual in that I hear you say and you'd be right. Except on closer inspection, this chap, he was quite an old boy, was actually wearing Armani jeans. Seriously, designer clothing on a bloke without a full set of things to stand on. Long Giorgio Silver? You should have seen the quality of his shoe!

Or, the six stone, wringing wet, female pensioner pushing her bulky and heavily overweight son around in a wheelchair, bent forward at the waist trying to shove the thing up one of those slopes used for a car driveway, while he hogged yet another ice cream into his already fat self. Obviously, it's quite normal for Italian, Greek and Spanish ladies to be put upon by their menfolk, but to me, that was taking the piss a bit.

Mum and her starving teenaged Son
I was waiting for a lift in the street outside my front door just this morning and a lady, she looked South American judging by her swarthy skin tones, walked past breast feeding her son. Usually, European women are pretty discreet when it comes to this sort of thing, not so this particular lady. I've no idea if it's the usual form in Lima, Caracas or some backward capital city like Montevideo, or wherever she comes from, to get dangly body parts out in public, but the child attached to her looked about fourteen.

She forgot her green cross code
Crossing the road in Spain is perilous at the best of times, particularly on pedestrian crossings, which, Spanish motorists by and large tend to ignore. Various clear and present dangers meant very little to one batty old lil though, because she simply ignored the universal colour coding of red man/green man and just bimbled over to the other side when she fancied. Oblivious to the avoidable, mortal peril in which she had placed herself she simply carried on, either not hearing or choosing to ignore the most important component of Spanish motor vehicles, the horn! Eventually, hunched over and a good two minutes after she started shuffling herself and her full shopping trolley over the, dangerous at the best of times, two lane thoroughfare she made it to safety.

Truzzies dead popular with groovy Eastern Europeans
Walking to my house after parking the car this afternoon something happened that shattered the myth I had  carefully cultivated in my mind for ages that Spanish men look cool. It only takes one nobber though to ruin it for everyone and today was that day. Surely only someone looking to win a bet or an Albanian trend-setter would hit the streets attired in the combination of cheap looking white training shoes, purple cords and a yellow knitted pullover. I can only imagine, with no earthly reason to don fancy/ridiculous dress, the fashion victim I walked past a short time ago comes from Tirana.

Next time you're out and about give it a whirl, you probably won't need to have your eyes skinned to chance across some entertaining or simply plain daft stuff. Or is that just me?

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